The Ice King Cometh
As it’s LGBT History Month and the Winter Olympics are being held in South Korea it’s timely that The Ice King, based on the life of Olympic… Read More »The Ice King Cometh
As it’s LGBT History Month and the Winter Olympics are being held in South Korea it’s timely that The Ice King, based on the life of Olympic… Read More »The Ice King Cometh
Review: ‘LGBT People and the UK Cultural Sector’ By JOHN Vincent Ashgate, 2014 (isbn 97814094386656). At Schools OUT we have consistently worked since 1974 to change the law and culture on LGBT people and issues. We have been acutely aware that they are two distinct and linked areas that are crucial in enabling the safety and visibility of the diversity of LGBT people in a country. John Vincent’s book is a useful and pretty comprehensive look at what happed in the UK in both areas since 1950.
The Pride, a play written by Alexi Kaye Campbell, deals with men coming to terms with their sexual identity (or not) in two different time… Read More »The Pride Reviewed
The BBC is improving but could be bolder and more creative in its representation of lesbian, gay and bisexual people according to a review. The… Read More »BBC Could Be Bolder
Let’s Get This Straight: The Ultimate Handbook for Youth with LGBTQ Parents by Tina Fakhrid-Deen is a book focused on supporting, helping and empowering children… Read More »Book Review: Let's Get This Straight