website and wallchart

The website enables you to find out more about the law, people, symbols and themes that are represented on the Voices and Visibility: Uncovering Hidden Histories wallchart.
The Website
There are 3 ways to navigate the website:
- Visit us at
- The menu bar at the top of the page
- The four purple buttons in the middle of the home page
- Click on the wallchart picture at the bottom of the home page

The Wallchart
The wallchart has been produced by the Forum for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Equality in Further and Higher Education and a group of trade unions in association with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) History Month.
The aim has been to produce a resource to support those raising awareness of sexual orientation and gender identity equality and diversity.
Centred on the United Kingdom, it highlights important legal milestones and identifies visible and significant contributions made by individuals, groups and particularly the labour movement.
The group is currently developing a digital version of the chart. This will provide more detailed information about the campaigns, organisations and personalities identified in the wallchart. Guidance for educators using the resources is also planned.
For more information please contact:
Seth Atkin. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans equality
University and College Union, Carlow Street, London, NW1 7LH, United Kingdom
Members of the development group:
Seth Atkin (UCU and Chair of the Forum) Carl Banks (PCS) Paul Hambley (UCU) Peter Purton (TUC) Sue Sanders LGBTHM) Carola Towle (UNISON)
Special thanks go to Pam Isherwood for her important contribution to the production of the wallchart. Selecting and editing from 30 years of photographs of Pride was no easy task!

Special thanks also go to LGBT Youth North West for their support in making a print run of the wall chart possible.
Thanks also go to to those involved in the early stages of the project Megan Corker, Sam Evemy, Juan Jiminez Anca
© Copyright The Forum TUC, PCS,UCU, UNISON, LGBTHM June 2015