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Black British Lesbian History Project: Contributions and Volunteers Needed

>Like so much of LGBT History the specific experience of black British lesbians is being lost. The books are out of print and the memories are fading for not always being shared. Nazmia Jamal has created a new online chronology to try and preserve this memory.

The basis for the Black British lesbian timeline is the chronology printed in Valerie Mason-John & Ann Khambatta’s 1993 book Lesbians Talk Making Black Waves.

This is the first step in a larger archive project. Nazmia is planning to apply for funding over the summer to set up a proper website. But in the meantime she needs your help. If you have any images, documents, publications, banners, memories etc that you would like to share please do get in touch.

If you know of any groups, events, meetings or publications (however short lived) that should be added to this timeline please add them to the blog (as a comment) or email

Nazmia is particularly interested in lesbian, queer or feminist history around the UK from 1993 onwards.

Please email above if you

* have information that can be added to the timeline
* would be interested in being interviewed for the history project
* are able to conduct an interview or do some research for the timeline
* could build us a proper website

Note that Nazmia is using the definition of ‘black’ that the London Black Lesbian and Gay Centre used, i.e. those who are “descended (through one or both parents) from Africa, Asia (i.e. the Middle East to China, including the Pacific nations) and Latin America, and lesbians and gay men descended from the original inhabitants of Australasia, North America, and the islands of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean.”

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