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Out and Inspirational  – schools competition:
Download the full rules here.
Make a short film (minimum 3 minutes maximum 7 minutes in length) about the life of out-gay campaigner Harvey Milk, and at least two other UK LGBT persons). It must be called “Out and Inspirational”.
You will need to show how Harvey Milk raised the visibility of LGBT people in the USA, and how your chosen UK campaigner did the same here. (choose from Barbara Burford, Edward Carpenter, Michael Dillon, Eva Gore-Booth, Freddie Mercury, Paul Patrick and Ethel Smyth)
You will need to show the diversity of the LGBT community and the inclusivity of the campaigners’ work. School-based projects will need to link their film with the National Curriculum.
We welcome class projects as long as all the work is that of the students in the age group —filming, editing, adding music, captions and effects. You can use any equipment—from a mobile phone to top quality video cameras.
Prizes on offer – Google tablets.
mark your entry ‘film’