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Free Music!
I would like to share my music video with the LGB community for gay, lesbian and bisexual rights awareness. I am tired of hearing about human beings dying just because they of the way they want to live and love. Many of my friends have reached out to me confidentially confessing thoughts of committing suicide or struggling with having to be what society considers normal. They live in mental isolation and cannot think past fear or be free. I want to tell them that, “I understand, I hear you, and I stand with you. I love you.” I hope my song and music video opens the eyes of those who cannot see past their own stubborn misleading beliefs. I hope that they can see how others not like themselves struggle and are mentally disarrayed trying to live a normal life because society has painted a ‘right’ and a ‘wrong’ picture. My ultimate message is “Be free to love; do not resort to the option of taking your life, choose the option to LOVE.”
Pour vous, with Lots of Love,
Kati G Sakyi