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Britain is the best place to be LGBT: ILGA

The new international study of LGBT rights across Europe is now available. Covering very nation state in the continent, the comprehensive report reports the similarities and differences socially and legally between them. The International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) describes general changes in Europe and takes every country. Its summary makes clear that Europe is far from being the safe house we might like to think of it as for lGB and T people:
Currently in the European Union,
· LGBT people are not protected from discrimination in such areas as access to goods and services, and housing;
· homo- and transphobic bullying is an acute occurrence throughout the EU which in some extreme cases leads to tragic instances of teenage suicides;
· homo- and transphobic motivation in hate crimes are not recognised in half of the EU Member States.
The UK is legislatively the best place to be by a whisker; mainly because of its hate crime legislation and the Equality Act and The Public Sector Equality Duty. Russia, Belarus and The Ukraine languish at the bottom, perhaps unsurprisingly. However the mini principalities of Monaco, Lichtenstein and The Republic of San Marino fare little better; as reported in The Independent on Sunday
The full report makes fascinating reading as it gives a nation-by-nation graphic matrix covering the differences in legislation, equality and human rights for LGB and T people before reporting on incidents involving individuals. Not surprisingly, countries that have the least protective legislation have the most reports of police brutality and abuse against the LGBT community. To read it it click ILGA Annual Review 2011 ALL. The Report was funded by the European Fundamental Rights Association, as is the Rainbow project to which Schools OUT is a participant.