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Polari magazine honours Sue Sanders on LGBT HM Day 13

LGBT online magazine honours a hero every day in its February 2012 edition.

Polari is the leading UK-based online magazine for an LGBTQ readership. Its content is informed & insightful, and features a diverse range of writers from every section of the community. Its look is singularly stylish and equally original.

From its launch on December 3, 2008, Polari Magazine has explored the LGBTQ subculture by looking at what is important to the people who are in it. It’s about the lives we lead, not the lifestyles we’re supposed to lead.

To read it go here

Polari has interviewed writers such as Gore Vidal, Clayton Littlewood and Jonathan Kemp, and musicians such as Tori Amos, Darren Hayes and Patrick Wolf. It has featured outstanding activists such as David Watters and Peter Tatchell, and the pioneering organisations The Trevor Project, The Equal Love Campaign and Wotever World. Its focus is on culture, politics and the arts through articles, columns, features, news and reviews. Its content is written to a high standard, and it does not talk down to its readers.