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Trans News Updates
links to news of special interest to the trans community
The Beaumont Society
UK based transgender support group.
Gender Identity Research and Education Society
The aim of this website is to inform a wide public of the issues surrounding gender identity and transsexualism. It is also a resource for gender dysphoric people and their families; the medical and other professionals that provide their care, including clinicians and the police; Health Authorities; Members of Parliament and other policy makers; employers; the media.
The Gender Centre (Australia)
Services for people with gender issues.
The Gender Trust
The Gender Trust specifically helps adults who are Transsexual, Gender Dysphoric or Trangender i.e. those who seek to adjust their lives to live as women or men, or to come to terms with their situation despite their genetic background. There are a number services that we can supply: information about trained counsellors, psychologists and psychotherapists; advice on initiating the proper referral procedure to a choice of psychiatrists; help for those who are Intersex, and try to provide care for partners and families of all these individuals; guidance and information for those who may encounter gender issues in the course of their work, including employers, social workers, welfare workers, the media and the medical profession.
Mermaids is a support group for gender variant children and teenagers . Our aims are simple: We aim to support children and teenagers up to age 19, who are trying to cope with gender identity issues. In support of this one aim, we also intend to: offer support to parents, families, carers, and others; raise awareness about gender issues amongst professionals (e.g. teachers, doctors, social services, etc.) and the general public; campaign for the recognition of this issue and the increase in professional services.
Press for Change
This site aims to be a newspaper, library and resource centre rolled into one. Nowhere else in the world will you find such a comprehensive collection of information about the trans rights campaign, and details about the legal, medical, political and social issues surrounding the people it represents. If you’re a trans person, we aim to raise your consciousness. If you’re a researcher or a journalist we want you to have everything you could possibly want to report us accurately and fairly. If you’re a campaigner already, we want to provide you with the very best resources. And if you’re not, we’d like to show you what an astonishing challenge we face.
The web archive of the Press for Change news distribution provides a detailed day-by-day historical resource covering news events in British trans lives of the last eight years
Roberta Cowell
Very comprehensive site with a film  about Roberta Cowell who was the very first British transsexual.
Trans Youth Manchester
Social, support and empowerment group for all young trans people aged 14-25, offering safe space drop-in, resources, info and sessions for all self-identified young transgender people, including those questioning their gender and/or not fitting in to the binary gender system.
Transgender Petition to the UN
Petition against violence against Transgendered women.