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Help & Advice

Broken Rainbow LGBT Domestic Violence Service (UK)
Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people experiencing domestic violence.
Citizen Advice Bureau (CAB)

A network of independent charities that helps people resolve their money, legal and other problems by providing free information and advice from over 3,000 locations. Advice and information on issues ranging from employment to sexual orientation discrimination (see this page for further info about CAB).
The Dyn Cymru Helpline
Help and advice for LGBT people suffering same sex domestic violence in Wales.
Call: 0808 801 0321
Challenging homophobic and transphobic hate crime in Greater London. Advice and advocacy on your behalf with the police or other organisations. Reporting hate crime. Police complaints.
London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard
Offering calm words 24 hours a day about love, life, safer sex and practically everything else.
London’s largest lesbian and gay counselling and mental health project.
Queery – LGBT community directory
A community driven directory for LGBT life . With listings and links for services and resources, scene and non-scene, community and voluntary, commercial and business – support and information, town and country UK-wide. Listings of gay venues and services in the UK can be found on The site it was developed to serve the needs of the lesbian and gay communities, and to allow those callers unable to get through on the LLGS phoneline or other helplines serving the lesbian and gay communities to find the information they need.