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Event Ideas

23 Ideas for LGBT History Month Health Events

LGBT History Guided Walk

1. Write an article or Op-Ed about the importance of LGBT health issues
2. Publish an article in your local health magazine:
Highlight a key historical LGBT health figure
Focus on a specific LGBT related health issue
Publicize a new or ongoing LGBT health service
3. Host health screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, STDs, HIV, etc.
4. Offer tours of your health facilities for the local LGBT community
5. Partner with local medical and behavioural health providers for their participation by presenting a workshop or attending diversity and equalities trainings
6. Offer several two-hour workshops throughout the week on topics such as stress reduction (yoga, meditation, etc.), smoking cessation, heart healthy foods, creative movement, emotional wellness and/or enhancing interpersonal relationships
7. Host a community forum at which medical providers, public health experts, health activists would host open discussion about the real health concerns affecting the LGBT community
8. Hold a “Fun Run” or “Pride Stride” at a local venue.
9. Publicize LGBT History Month in health settings with posters, leaflets and badges
10. Use LGBT History Month as an opportunity to discuss sexual orientation and gender identity with your workforce in trainings and briefings
11. Ask how you can better support LGBT staff, perhaps through setting up an LGBT staff network
12. Build better links with local LGBT organizations to find out how you can better support LGBT patients in your area
13. Put on a display of LGBT texts and pictures in your library spaces
14. Display posters with positive images of same-sex couples and trans people
15. Create, distribute and publicize LGBT health materials
16. Consider asking older LGBT members of the community to give a talk about being LGBT and accessing health services
17. Use the month as an opportunity to create and publicize new services
18. Create LGBT specific services, for example: a smoking cessation group for LGBT people
19. Use the opportunity to re-enforce awareness of recent legislation
20. Attend a local Friends and Families of Lesbians And Gays (FFLAG) meeting and promote awareness of LGBT health programs
21. Sponsor local LGBT groups’ LGBT History Month events
22. Sponsor a talk by leading health professionals on their latest work for LGBT communities and the laws, policies and practices that affect them
23. Create a historical LGBT health display, detailing and promoting awareness of the LGBT pioneers in health and medicine
See also
[intlink id=”237″ type=”post”]List of past health events for History Month[/intlink]